Sunday, November 29, 2009

Local Map

I'm working on a map of the area, the one to the left has a link to Yahoo Maps. Will have to work on the rest.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Race # 2

This one is looking to be between the Pineda and Eau Gallie causeways-map to follow later. This area is very clear for racing and can be launched from either causeway. I hope to get a nearby restaurant to host us for after race relaxation. Some of you who find the I-I daunting should like this area. No other races scheduled til Jan 9th(another Kona Series race). Also Sarasota has asked to host the May 8th race-they feel no one can touch their Kona fleet on their home ground.
More to come later, just wanted to get the date out there.
Kona Man

Here is the site for our first race:

No wind but a great location.

This is for the racing info in Melbourne, FL

I am hoping to bring racing back to Central Florida, the location is excellent in relation to the rest of the state. This blog will cover the racing info for the Kona series.